Τerms of Use
1.The present terms (the “Terms”) regulate the use of the website www.dimitrialanguageschools.gr (“Website”) of the educational organization under the name “ΚΕΝΤΡΑ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ ΔΗΜΗΤΡΕΙΑ –ΠΑΠΑΔΟΠΟΥΛΟΥ ΑΙΚΑΤΕΡΙΝΗ ΚΑΙ ΣΙΑ Ο.Ε”), situated at 34 Miaouli st., postal code 57500, Plagiari/Thessaloniki. When using this website you certify that you accept the Terms fully and without any reservations. If you disagree and do not want to be bound by the Terms then you should not use the Website. If the use of any part of the Website is regulated by more specific terms, these specific terms will apply jointly with the Terms. In case of conflict the specific terms of the pertinent part will prevail.
2.You are required to use the Website for legal purposes, in compliance with the current provisions of the legislation\regulatory framework in effect, as well as the instructions we upload on the Website, acting in good faith and according to the dictates of public morality. You are using the Website at your own risk and you are responsible for the protection of your equipment from viruses, outside threats and attacks as well as malware.
3.The trade name, logo and any other distinctive characteristics of the content of the Website (except the protected rights of third parties) which include indicatively and not exclusively texts, graphics, photos, videos, articles, information, data, diagrams, images, names and descriptions of products – services, the interface, the presentation and structure of the material and the software, are items of our exclusive intellectual rights (copyright) and industrial ownership and are protected according to the pertinent legislation governing copyright and industrial ownership.
4.The Website may include hyperlinks (link, hyperlink, banner) to websites which belong to third parties and consequently we do not administer them and we cannot interfere in their content. For this reason we do not undertake any responsibility for these specific websites and their content and their data processing and we do not provide you with any kind of guarantee, encouragement or endorsement pertaining to them.
5.We reserve the right to amend the Terms when we deem it necessary. Every amendment begins to be in effect as soon as it is uploaded on the Website. You are obliged to check for any modifications in the Terms. As long as you continue to use the Website after the uploading of the new Terms this means that you accept the modifications.
6.The Terms are governed by Greek Law. The resolution of disputes, claims or controversies that arise in connection to these Terms fall exclusively under the jurisdiction of the Courts of Athens (Greece).
Copyright (Ιntellectual Rights)
1.The intellectual rights of the Content (for example e-learning, information, data) and of the Services which appear in the e-shop are protected by the Greek, the European Union and the international laws of copyright.
2.It is prohibited to copy, distribute, transfer, alter, resell, create derivative work or mislead the public concerning the real provider of the Content of the e-shop. Any reproduction, reissue or any other use of the Content in any way or means for commercial or other purposes is allowed only after a written permit is issued by the DimitriaLanguageSchool or any other holder of the copyright.
3.The names, images, logos and distinctive characteristics which represent the DimitriaLanguageSchool or third parties and their products or services, are exclusively trademarks of the DimitriaLanguageSchool or third parties protected by the laws pertaining to trademarks. Their appearance in the e-shop should not in any way be construed as concession or permission or right to use them.